Here's a collection of various things I felt were important enough to write down in a permanant "blog." Many will be meaningless
STAR DATE: 2100 15-11-24
Hello voyagers. It has been many long years since last these channels of communication were used to speak with you. I've just moved once again. I've lost friends and made friends in this time. I've switched jobs. I'm engaged now
Moving out on my own has taught me a lot; I know that I know nothing now. Growing up has been hard. I don't really have much else to say about it. Sometimes the words come and sometimes they don't. I don't need to put my whole life story on here, you aren't my therapist. It's hard right now. Sometimes it's easier to pull it together but sometimes that gets to you. I'm hoping it gets better. I'm sure it gets better.
Signing off again,
See you, Voyagers.
STAR DATE: 2100 11-10-2022
New data! I've moved twice since the last post. I moved in with my boyfriend, but had a pretty shitty situation with a roommate, which forced us to leave and break lease early. My second apartment is pretty good, and I'm happy with just the two of us.
STAR DATE: 0600 27-08-2021
I haven't really done as much to this site as I wish I had.
I'm currently preoccupied working 40+ hours a week stocking shelves. I enjoy the job, and it pays decently, so I'm not too upset about that.
I got a new boyfriend. He's really great. Sometimes he makes me wonder if I ever loved anyone before him. I know I really love him. This message will be extremely cringe-worthy if we ever break up.
Signing off for now, stay safe Voyagers!
STAR DATE: 0700 25-03-2021
It's been a minute since I last updated the website, so I decided to update The Mothership. I've collected a few cassettes since last, so I added them to the storage page. I made the main deck a bit more info-y and posted here! Enjoy the update, whoever I just told to look at my website!
STAR DATE: 2300 24-09-2020
Added another website, STARFIELD. Very little content, but I wanted to add it and therefor I will.
STAR DATE: 1700 14-09-2020
Just got a new cassette! It's Beach Slang! Very excited about this, as it's my first cassette that I bought myself, and the first cassette I own that I actually knew existed before getting it! I updated the Cassette Storage page accordingly!
STAR DATE: 2100 13-09-2020
Added a new website, Gumtree Garden. Planted some tomatoes and basil. Take some time to check it out if you can, you're welcome to take any fruits/vegetables. Going to plant some more stuff there later.
STAR DATE: 1300 12-09-2020
Just updated my website, no longer has my janky homepage, but is now "The Mothership". Hopefully I'll remember to update this every once in a while with interesting things, rather than completely forget about it like I often do.